About the event

Blockchain is a rapidly evolving area of information technology with the potential for creating huge benefits in terms of security, reliability and cost efficiency in the exchange of information. Blockchain Technology can be a key driver to help achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), tackle and recover global crisis such as the COVID-19 Pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic prompted European and National considerations on the role of

Blockchain technologies in health, economic development and the SDGs enhancing dialogue between private, public and academia experts in this area.
Furthermore, Blockchain Technology has the potential to bring together key stakeholders involved in value chains and those regulating them: producers, intermediaries, consumers and the authorities – local, regional, national governments and international institutions.

The UNECE Regional Forum on Sustainable Development is well positioned to bring these communities together to accelerate action and delivery. This interactive side event will feature discussions among experts to demonstrate the utilization of cutting-edge blockchain technologies focused on SDGs attainment while assuring a sustainable and resilient recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic in the UNECE Region.

This Side Event will be the meeting point of two communities at large: stakeholders from UNECE region who are interested in Blockchain, and implementers of innovative solutions. The discussion will focus on concrete solutions to assist the world in building back better from the COVID19 pandemic whilst assuring we do not lose the important advancements made so far and achieve the 2030 Agenda. 

Israel, Slovenia and Switzerland