
The Summit of the Future (SoF, September 2024) is a critical milestone for renewing multilateralism and enabling the UN and its member states to deliver on the 2030 Agenda in times of multiple crises. The side event aimed at bringing together UNECE Region stakeholders, including governments as well as think tanks, activist groups, youth associations and more, to reflect on the outcomes of the first civil society Global Futures Forum to have been held in New York a few days earlier (20-21 March 2023). Following presentation of the GFF outcomes by members of the Coalition for the UN We Need (C4UN), the discussion focused on contributions from a regional perspective to the eventual "People's Pact for the Future" under preparation by C4UN, as global civil society’s contribution to the SOTF outcome expected to be called “Pact for the Future”. The side event was focused on potential partnerships (SDG17) between governments, intergovernmental bodies and civil society to achieve the whole set of SDGs.

Foundation for Global Governance and Sustainability (FOGGS) on behalf of the Coalition for the UN We Need (C4UN); Coalition for Sustainable Development of Russia (ECE-RCEM), Greycells – Association of Former International Civil Servants for Development