Side Event: Gender and Energy: Overcoming Energy Poverty and Advancing Just Energy Transitions - Outline

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Side Event: Sustainable cities and communities for Roma and other Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD) - Outline

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Side Event: Closing financial gaps on gender equality to accelerate SDG implementation - Outline

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Side Event: Water pressure (WASH): Sector specific public allocation for women’s empowerment – clean, affordable and gender equitable access to water and sanitation - Outline

Download:  English

Side Event: Voluntary Metropolitan Review - Outline

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Side Event: Cities as front-line actors for the inclusion of people on the move - building sustainable structures to leave no-one behind - Outline

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Side Event: Slow drip or complete dropout? Ensuing sustainable access to water and sanitation for Roma and other Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD) in informal settlements and beyond - Outline

Download:  English

Side Event: How to ensure the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with inclusive STEM societies in the ECE Region? - Outline

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Side Event: Towards Age-Friendly Sustainable Cities and Communities - Outline

Download:  English