Pre-Meeting Local governments: The role of SDG Voluntary Local Reviews Many cities across the UNECE region have documented their progress towards the SDGs by developing Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs). 11 March 2021 starting 15:00 ending 16:30 Pre-Meeting SDG Business Dialogue Taking place for the first time at the Regional Forum on Sustainable Development for the UNECE Region, the SDG Business Dialogue was a unique multi 11 March 2021 starting 14:15 ending 15:45 Pre-Meeting Networking meeting of Youth Representatives This networking event aimed to connect youth representatives with active roles in Regional Forum 2021 and to streamline joint advocacy efforts. 08 March 2021 starting 15:00 ending 17:00 Pre-Meeting The impact of COVID-19 on SDG implementation in the UNECE region: What role for parliaments? Parliamentarians and parliamentary staff had a unique space to discuss common challenges as well as strategies that they could implement to promote 08 March 2021 starting 14:30 ending 16:00 Pre-Meeting PM1 - Civil Society Pre-Meeting The civil society forum served to develop common positions to shape the collective advocacy during the Forum’s official sessions. 08 -09 March 2021 starting 10:00 ending 15:00 Pagination « First page ‹ Previous page 1 2